Tuesday, April 8, 2014

july 4th dream

On a hot summers day there was this loud boom sound  I didn't know what the sound was I started to freak out and scared. I went out to see what it was but nothing was there so I headed back to the house and just set there listen for the loud boom again but it never happened. so I was almost asleep when I heard the loud noises and I jumped up and ran outside. Once again there was nothing in sight or a sound it was as quite as a darkroom. so I was getting worried and so I didn't worry about it for a while. The noises just kept coming back and didn't worry but they kept getting louder and louder. so I jumped up and went outside and realized I was just dreaming so I went back to sleep and realized it was fireworks. I couldn't believe that I didn't recognize that sound but then I found out that it was the 4th of July and I had a dream about it. those sounds were about the fireworks that me and my family shot of that following night. we had a great time and shot over 100 fireworks into the sky it went from nighttime to daytime.


one summers day in NYC,joey is out riding around the city of New York with his dog named Charles. joey and his dog were heading to a new York Yankees baseball game. joey is not going alone he has invited his friends Phil and Lilly. all three of the friends head to the baseball game the Yankees are facing the Atlanta braves which is Phil's favorite team.  the game is a concert the fans are going crazy as the Yankees take the field. the has ended and it was a great game the Yankees came out with a victory. so joey and his friends head on home but first they must take the dog to the park to play for a while. joey returns home a finds a note on the counter. the note says '' joey I have gone out to the store and will be back in a little bit love mom''. joey sits at home with his dog until his mom returns home. joey and his mom both sit at the kitchen table. they talk about how good his day was he told his mom that he had a great time hanging out with his friends. The following week the three friends to the beach to hangout and have a great time. The three friends had a great time at the beach and went on home for the day.

intro violence

Gandhi once said " I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it is permanent.'' this means that the violence isn't bad its just that the evil is permanently bad. this quote is true it is the good that is temporary but the evil is permanent. this can be clearly seen in At risk by Patricia Cornwell.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

i am Winston Garano

 i am sharp and focused

 i wonder what has happen at Harvard faculty club

 i hear the taxi cab coming

 i see the wrong address
i want  to get to the right place

i am sharp and focused

i pretend to be someone who went to Harvard

i feel the energy flow as i pull up to the club

i touch the door as i enter the club

i worry about when i enter there wont be nothing there

i cry when i notice there was nothing wrong

i am sharp and focused

i understand the issue that is going on

i say what has happen here

i dream of catching the criminal

i try to get all the evidence i can

i hope i can catch him soon

i am sharp and focused

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


                   violence, I choose this book because I had the theme violence and that this book is about violence. Winston Garano a who is a police officer and I believe that he will find the guy or woman he is looking for

Monday, March 24, 2014


                          " A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles."- Christopher reeve ("superman")
 this quote explains about individuals becoming a hero or begin a hero. Hero is a special person in your life; they will be there for you when ever you need them.   
        I agree with Christopher reeves on what a hero is. The hero in my life is my dad is always there for me. He is the reason that I got into sports; he never gives up on me. Me and my dad used to do lots of things when I was little. know that I am older we just usually go fishing and riding around. My dad has been there for me for good times and bad. When I am sick he usually takes care of me when he doesn't have to work. My mom is also my hero she has been there for me all threw my life and she also is there with  me at good times or bad. she helps me with my homework when I need help and so these to people are my heroes.